You can place your order with PVO International via email (international@pvo-int.com) or by phone (+31 (0)85-7820055). In order to ensure correct and fast processing of your orders, please provide the following information:

  • Company name
  • Name contact person
  • Telephone number for contact person
  • Project reference (if applicable)
  • Articles with quantities
  • Delivery address
  • Delivery date
  • Available equipment for truck unloading

Your order normally is processed within one working day by our sales team. We check your order to determine stock availability and confirm your desired delivery date. If we have any questions, our support team will contact you. Once confirmed, we normally email you a quote within one working day. The quote is approved by your digital signature and automatically sent back to PVO. Your order is now official (subject to our terms and conditions). Receipt of the sales order confirmation to confirm your order normally occurs within one working day.



We set a payment date and shipping date on the sales order. The payment date specifies the date Greening Components B.V. needs to receive funds on our account in order to ship your goods on time. Take into account that the transaction time to complete the transfer can differ per bank.

If your payment is not received on the agreed payment date, we are allowed to charge you for incurred costs (interest and / or storage costs). Please see Articles 4 and 5 of our general terms and conditions.



All prices are excluding VAT. In accordance with article 3 of our general terms and conditions, it is possible that prices change during the term of the agreement. We reserve the right to adjust prices if necessary. These price changes are subject to customer approval.


After the full purchase price is received or if credit is established and there are no outstanding amounts past due; delivery will commence from available stock. We will provide a shipping date in a best attempt to meet your desired delivery date. Shipping and delivery takes place Ex-Works mainly from our warehouses in The Netherlands. We can also arrange transportation for you (to your desired location) for a fee. Deliveries are made on Incoterms FCA or DDP. When receiving goods they need to be checked and signed off by you. After this you can no longer claim damages. You need to report any defects to PVO within 24 hours after delivery. Any assistance we provide with the organization of the transport is without obligation. If you wish, you may provide your own transportation and we will assist in arranging pickup.



For foreign deliveries, time deliveries are possible. Consultation with our fulfilment team is critical for deliveries outside the Netherlands. Please note that time deliveries outside the Netherlands are usually restricted to the arrival of the goods within a four (4) hour window.*

* Additional costs as determined by the carrier may be charged for time deliveries.



We set a shipping and payment date on the sales order confirmation. It is possible that an order must be shipped later than was initially agreed. This is subject to the following conditions:

  • If you wish to postpone a delivery, notify PVO no later than two working days before the indicative shipping date.
  • If the shipping date is moved, the payment date will remain intact.
  • The shipping date can be postponed for a maximum of two weeks per order.
  • We may charge you storage costs for the postponed delivery. Also, if applicable, we may charge you additional costs for the activities of our contracted carriers. The delivery charges may vary (see our terms and conditions).



Change requests for orders may be processed up to two (2) working days before the indicative delivery time within the Netherlands. Change requests for deliveries outside The Netherlands should be made two (2) business days prior to the shipping date. There may be a charge for the costs associated with such change requests.